Sunshine Jones – Live Ground Tour 2016 – Los Angeles

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Sunshine Jones – Live Ground Tour 2016

May 12th I hosted an electronic music seminar with the help of Robert Pointer and Shawn Cleary at Analogue Haven in Santa Monica. Kitty Spit, Osc1Nation, and Eli performed live modular sets, and I played a song, and gave a warm talk about live improvisational electronic music – Elektron were there, and It was amazing.
May 14th I played an epic live set for We Own The Night with the mighty Scott K and his amazing crew in a magically transformed space to the east.
May 15th I mixed some records in the park for Distantbeat to celebrate our own Lucas Dodson’s birthday.

This is the document of these experiences plus a little mid-tour interview for your pleasure by my partner Martha Traer for MT Films.

More about the tour here
(be sure and scroll to the bottom to see all of these documents)

More about MT Films here

thank you: Robert Pointer, Bhikshu Owen Maigret, Scott Scott K. Kay, The other Scott, Lucas Dodson, Becky Dodson, Shawn Cleary, Analogue Haven, Elektron, Devon, Jack Baker, Jodie Baker, Tighe Mcgill, George Alberto Menjivar, Sophia Quinonez Pena, the woman who stopped the sequencer to ask if I was going to be playing any Prince at all tonight, and absolutely everyone who showed up and went mad, and got down and made these events magnificent and wonderful.


  1. Sophia Quinonez Pena:

    Thank you and your talent. You really do brighten up everything you touch. Love you big time!!

  2. David Alvarado:

    you’ve kicked me in the ass yet again

  3. Richard Reed:


  4. Steven Dimitri:

    So great. Love the overall artistry here.

  5. Becky Rynkiewicz:

    Getting it. You, Sunshine, my dear who already have my heart and wicked talented Martha…this is such a treat.

  6. Sophia Quinonez Pena:

    Nice camera work Martha Traer ♥ ♥ ♥

  7. Sunshine:


  8. Sophia Quinonez Pena:

    So much LOVE ♥ ♥ ♥

  9. Richard Reed:

    And tight

  10. Richard Reed:

    Well put

  11. Sans Nom:

    Beautiful. Also, I spy a Samantha and a Robert in the crowd :)

  12. Emma Clarkson:

    This is particularly beautiful. What I wouldn’t give to be sharing it with you both. Amazing.

  13. Robert Pointer:

    I Love This!