We don’t need a patch sheet for UDO Audio Super 6 module, we need a patch book.
This wonderful, amazing, brilliant and unique synth has some fabulous tricks up its sleeve. And the best way to learn these tricks is to program sounds. At least that’s what works best for me.

I have noticed a lot of people offering patches for sale, and with modern synths it’s tempting to buy them, load them up and then pick trough them for the ones we like and carry on. I can’t blame anyone for taking the easier, softer way, but when I do that (and I’ve done it) I don’t learn anything.

So I propose this sheet here be included in the manual, shared widely, and that we get to work collecting them and filling them in to create a patch book of what this fantastic synth can do.

Score the patch sheet and document your patches in a way which will allow us to recall them with all the wonderful knobs and sliders on the front panel.

Patch Sheet
UDO Super 6 Patch sheet | PDF File Format – 8.5 x 11 | 709kb

Here is an example of what the UDO Super 6 can do. A deceptively simple patch, created with two oscillators and three modulation sources (including a looping envelope) and the world sparkles into being.

Listen to the simple example below, and grab the patch sheet for this sound to explore it yourself.

This is a deceptively simple sound.
DDS 1 is a saw, modulated by LFO 1
DDS 2 is a pulse, it is both PWM via a looping ADSR 1 and also pitch modulated from LFO 2.
It’s epic, bright, sparkling, triumphant.

Download This Patch Example
UDO Super 6 ALMOST HUMAN Patch Sheet | PDF File Format – 8.5 x 11 | 803kb

My 20 year old son walked into the room while I was working on it, sat down and said “this sound is really good dad. This is the sound that music is moving toward. I really like it.”
And then he started sharing about how much he loves Tame Impala.
Dig, my son doesn’t just do that. This modulated, shimmering goodness called him out of his room, down the hall, and into conversation about music with his musician father.
That’s a patch.
And this is a synthesizer.



  1. Saul Small:

    Lovely job. Will try these out today!

  2. dreamcometmusic:

    * applause *

  3. john topley:

    I need this synth in my life!

  4. whitsittgoodson:

    As a parent I absolutely love your metric for a useful patch! A sound that opens up communication with the people we love? Yes, that is what sound design is about.

  5. culturedslob:

    Damnnnn. Sick tone and love the menacing sci fi chords/melody

  6. niisachiiwan:

    following with keen interest. have a mks80 i rarely touch and thinking about replacing it with a super6

  7. @niisachiiwan
    I’ve been way too busy lately, but I’m actually dying to layer the Super 6 with my Jupiter 6. I’m almost positive they’re going to melt together… you may consider adding rather than replacing. But I understand. My first thought was “well shit… now I gotta sell the JP-6” but they’re actually compliments, rather than duplicates. When I get a second I’ll layer them and we can listen.

  8. inner terrain:

    Looking forward to see what people submit!

  9. This is amazing!

  10. niisachiiwan:

    @Sunshine i also have a Novation Summit in the studio and it layers like a dream! I haven’t opened it yet, but suspect this MKS is a later rev – the osc lack in my ears. Perhaps one day i’ll open and look.

  11. @niisachiiwan
    The MKS series is curious like that isn’t it? The big lush sound in our minds always seems to be missing. The MKS-50 vs the Juno 106, the MKS-30 vs the JX-3P. Even the Jupiter-6 vs the Jupiter-8. Funny thing is that when I layer my Jupiter-6 with my Jupiter-4 I don’t like the results as much as I expect to. However the Juno-60 really stands alone, it doesn’t want to be layered with anything. But I agree, if I had an MKS-80 (with the programmer) I would totally be wishing it was a Jupiter-8. But it isn’t.

  12. niisachiiwan:

    @sunshine theres nothing wrong with it, but there’s not enough of there for me not too look at a super6. i have a Summit that layers nice with everything I throw at it; modern, vintage, analog, digital, subtractive, fm… its great that way. Stands alone well too.

    Collectibility vs what i want to make is usually an easier argument in my mind, but the MKS-80 is just enough of both, and yet…

  13. @niisachiiwan
    Bah… who cares what the pigs think? Do what you love and it will love you back. Never ever keep a synth around for posterity. If you aren’t using it, totally in love with it, and you’re not just going through a phase, then ask it to go to therapy with you to help resolve these issues, and be ready for parting to be one potential outcome.
    I’ve waited for love to return for many years… I can tell you, at least from my experience, it does not come back.