2007 is about to flicker out… I can’t say I am sad to see it go, I keep chanting to myself in moments of pure shock at the world around me “Only 11 more months baby… 11 more months” which usually produces a smile on my face, and everyone around me too. But that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been an amazing year. It has.
This year I worked through what had arguably come to be expressed as my “dark period,” where my music approached something like deeply pitched down trance, and my vocals which weren’t inarticulate rants, were spare, and strange… I re emerged with the help of Prins Thomas, Woolfy, Alister Johnson, Doc Martin, Neil Aline, Hird, Manuel Tur, LSB, Todd Terje, and Force of Nature a man laughing, dancing, and singing about things which are in the present.
I broke through my love of the minimal looping squarewave this year, grew out of my loathing for all that I’ve done before, rediscovered my drums, my P Bass, and found several new tones in my voice and been equally delighted with simply tapping on the table too. I abandoned the turntable and the CD player this year. Completely and totally, and have not been this excited about mixing since I first learned how. I have come to admire more DJ’s and producers this year than ever before. I have come to know what it is to be a DJ, and then question it, tear it apart in much the same way I have assaulted my own craft of production and performance and rediscovered something altogether new.
I leave this year of residencies, Tokyo, New York, San Francisco, Washington DC, Florida, Colorado, Dallas, Memphis, New Orleans, and Los Angeles with new eyes. I am totally inspired, and delighted with music, and all the skin I’ve shed along the way. As a way of saying thank you, here are 30 of the records which have remained in my box since I discovered them this year. Music I have played to death, and plan to play on New Year’s eve at Sublevel: Space Explorer in LA, and will continue to play until new inspiration replaces them… as is our fashion, our style and custom.
While they stand numbered, they are in no significant order. Take them or leave them as you find them.
These are inspirational times.
Blessings and love, a hug and a handshake of strength and togetherness for you as we set down the scorched stems of our sparklers, release the rose petals, and dance our way into the future.
Yours always,
thanks for the charts and the love
woolfy is rockin me right now… I’m listening to “1987”
hope your new years was poppin (and lockin)