Directed by Martha Traer
Featuring Krylon Superstar, Jamie Nabrynski, Jay Williams, Jamie Yates, Jack Raynard, Christopher Gaunt, Shawna Seth, Julie Joules, and more.
This song is released in several forms and with many remixes on Cosmic Disco Records
From the album ‘Gas Masks & Crazy-Girls’
Available from iTunes, Beatport, and better digital record stores worldwide.
Words, Music & Images at © 2013 little BUG music/BMI
Produced by Sunshine Jones for Treehouse Muzique
This song is very personal to me. I was working with grief, and turning it into light. I wanted the song in it’s original form to reflect the bokehs of light which dance in our eyes at sunset, and to feel like the listener was laying on their back in a warm field at twilight with nowhere to go, and nothing to do. The irony of this is that as warm and vulnerable as the song is, it’s still a 120 bpm electronic track (so the brave and the beautiful can mix it right into their set.) The bells in the song are played by floating glasses in my sink and recorded with my iPhone. The vocals should feel like I am whispering in your ear.
Mid production, my father died. I have always had a bitter sweet relationship with my dad, and his passing caused an even deeper rift within me than I might have otherwise expected (I was expecting something painful, but I wasn’t expecting this.) So I had to stop working on such a light and loving song and do a little work on myself. I had to find a way to make this song about how perception and projection, belief and grief are as fluid as light, and subject to gravity like everything else. How can we take heartbreak and turn it into love and light, joy and growth? We do it all the time, and when we talk about it it’s annoying. When we don’t talk about it the process is isolating. But what is it that’s actually happening? Aren’t we just ever so slowly letting it go – whatever it is? These things which we hold, and can not imagine our lives with or without are always slipping out of our hands and falling to the ground. So I went from seeking compassion for the sleeping and the fallen from Kierkegaard to waking these dreamers within myself and feeling compassion for all of us, and then trying to express it somehow.
Making a video for this song was even more interesting. I’ve never made one of these things before, and I’ve always wanted to. Dubtribe were a hair away from producing a video for our 2001 decade long anthem ‘Do It Now,’ but it never happened. I’ve wanted to make a video all my life… Yep, since I was jumping on the bed in front of the mirror with the hairbrush as the mic and lip syncing to my ‘Fly Robin Fly’ 45. And now I have. I loved the process of storyboarding, and planning, filming, and editing. My director, Martha Traer, was amazing, fluid, flexible and genius. She took ideas I was talking about and made them magically come to life in the camera. I’m not an easy person to collaborate with – opinionated, perfectionist, emotional, and I always need to fucking talk about everything – but I am so proud of the results here. I love everyone involved, and am so grateful. Thank you.
I hope you love it too.