Let your senses and bodies stretch out
Like a welcomed season
Onto the meadow and shores and hills.
Open up to the Roof.
Make a new watermark on your excitement
And love.
Like a blooming night flower,
Bestow your vital fragrance of happiness
And giving
Upon our intimate assembly.
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all done for this week. what a week! thank you for listening. i love love love you my sweet night flowers. See you next week!
In his poem ‘All the hemispheres’ persian poet Khw?ja Šamsu d-D?n Mu?ammad H?fez-e Š?r?z? (or maybe just Hafez) wrote, “Leave the familiar for a while. Let your senses and bodies stretch out like a welcomed season onto the meadow and shores and hills. Open up to the Roof. Make a new watermark on your excitement and love. Like a blooming night flower, Bestow your vital fragrance of happiness and giving upon our intimate assembly.” In the tradition of Rumi and other great Persian mystics, Hafez had a way of weaving the spiritual devotion into our human hearts and blurring the lines between aching for love, and aching for God. It’s not strange to me that these days their words mean more and more to us every day. Devotion is rare, and precious, and beautiful. Essentially devotion is love, and to be devoted is to accept completely, and give ourselves to that which our heart holds. This leads only to aching, yearning, beauty, communion, and wonder. And so Hafez asks us to open our hearts wider, like a night flower, when the protection of the day’s light is gone, when it is not “safe,” and rest into our bodies, and truly feel them, and allow ourselves to feel love, loved, and to get excited about it and to bring something of ourselves beyond our typical cynicism, disappointment, fear, and other hallucinations of the ego-mind into the field of our lives tonight. I couldn’t have said it better, nor could I have more clearly expressed my intention.
The most interesting thing has happened to me. In the waves of my recent endings, I have begun to make every effort to open my heart wider in the face of despair, fear, and hurt. I am standing in my window and looking out into the misty San Francisco pre-spring streets and feeling the waves of longing and sadness crash against me. I say something sad like “I miss you.” Which is typical of me – I am slow to let go, slow to move on, slow to grow, and an all around late bloomer – But there is a new voice in my head, something which appears to be the fruit of opening my heart wider, rather than my tradition of making a little fist out of myself, and it says “Really?” And then offers some plain and loving facts to me. And like a miracle my heart can hear this voice, the waves subside, and in an instant are gone. This is a function of my heart which I have never had any mastery over. Grief, longing, moping, navel gazing have all been qualities which I have never been able to help. I call it being “moody.” While I wouldn’t describe myself as suddenly not being a moody bastard anymore – because I wouldn’t go that far – but this new voice which reaches me, and seems to truly love me, and heal me is nothing short of a revolution in my mind, body, and soul. It has come as the direct result of choosing to open my heart wider in the face of adversity, fear, stress, and grief. I am amazed. As if to stand still in the face of what feels like attack, and all my instincts are telling me to retreat, to run, to fight, I calm my heart, quiet my mind, and simply love. Until I began to experience it I would have said it was a nice idea, but nothing that was possible – at least not for me.
And so I wanted to bring this night flower to the table, and offer my open heart to you in this moment now. I wanted to express this in my mosaic of music, and with my words, and song. The program came after an absolutely mighty trip to Denver where I opened LOVE with a slow motion disco set, and then performed with Dubtribe, and then went to the after party and rocked the room with a techno/disco set. I was wrapped in the loving arms of so many amazing, beautiful friends. I stayed out all night, and barely slept. When I got home on Sunday I wondered if I was going to be able to play a Sunday Soul show at all. But I quieted my mind, rested my body, and opened my heart wider to the idea of more music, more love, and more communion. The show was beautifully attended, and we gathered, connected, and loved until there was absolutely nothing left of me. Something close to perfect. Just the way I like it.
Here is the track listing for Sunday Soul – night flower:
1. Sunday Soul – Program ID
* intro
2. I Need Somebody To Love Tonight – Sylvester
3. Her Eyes Are Stars – Shooting Stars At 2 AM – Stryke
* come dance with me in the hyacinth
4. Vamos Vamos! – Solunamanalia
* All the Hemispheres – Hafez
5. Synergistic – Willie Graff
6. We Are Ready – instrumental – Proper Heat
7. Ringtone Sonata – Alan 1
8. Walk A Mile – Cuebur Mix – Nathan
9. Days – Soul Clap Remix – CREEP
10. Balearic Incarnation – Todd Terje’s Extra Doll Mix – Dolle Jolle
* it felt love – Hafez
11. Another Chance – Astraglide’s Deep Remix – Difyl
* heal your heart
12. Forever More (Francois Kevorkian Vocal Mix) – Moloko
* the day sky – Hafez
13. Four Million Miles – Sunshine Jones
14. Naked Goddess – Sciadare, JMP
* i love
15. Night Ride – Hot Chocolate
16. The Sun Rising – The Beloved
17. Future – Sunshine Jones Revision – Halo
18. The Sun – Sunshine Jones DLAMB Rework – Heatmerchantz
19. Digital Yoga – Hesohi
20. i believe – original version – Sunshine Jones
21. Deep Beginning – Karol XVII, MB Valence
* love is the only thing real in this world. everything else is an hallucination.
22. Night Moves – Night House Mix – Rickster
23. Movement – Afefe Iku
* I can feel warm sun on my face
24. Holding You – Ame Mix – Wahoo
25. I Go Deep – Jim Rivers
* hands on my heart
26. movin on – Kristopher Muse
27. The Absurdity Of Possession – Sunshine Jones *
28. U Can Dance – Carl Craig Remix V.1 – DJ Hell
29. Meine – Daso
* but first, i wanna take you down
30. North East – El Carlitto
* tearing off your butterfly thong, casting it aside, and giving you head until the silver thread snaps and your heart blooms under the stars
31. I Got Your Back – Sunshine Jones
32. I’m Good, I’m Gone – Fred Falke Remix – Lykke Li
33. Lonely Planet – Shit Robot
* what dreams are these?
34. Huub Sand – DPlay
* … and bloom in the twilight
35. Heavenly Trax – Jonny Nash Remix – Cos/Mes
36. Sunday Soul – Program ID
37. Give me the night – George Benson
38. Sunday Soul – Program ID
Total running time: 04 Hours 11 Minutes 29 Seconds
* Performed Live
Listen to the Archive:
The archive for this broadcast is posted now for your pleasure both in the bottom of the community page at http://treehousemuzique.com — my little tiny record label — as well as in the footer of http://sundaysoul.com — the home page of this broadcast — There you can stream the transmission again, or download it for your iPod if you like. You can also click the download link on your iPhone or iPad and simply stream it and enjoy it in real time wherever you have a data connection.
This archive will remain posted for a week, or until a new program archive replaces it (whichever comes first.) If you want to listen to more archives, visit sundaysoul.com and click on the “selected archives” link for something like 500 hours of archival sunday soul broadcasting.
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Thank you for listening. See you next week!
I’m glad you are feeling the stillness. It’s fleeting, but I’m getting better at bringing it to center everyday. Thanks for being you, doll. Your love and companionship in the music and communion helps so much.?
Thank You For All That You Are…And What You Have Given Us.S
From one moody b*stard to another, I ♥ you! Your second paragraph could’ve been written about me… as a navel-gazer myself, I am trying real hard to open myself wider in the face of adversity and stress. It’s not easy for me at all. I find the new me fighting with the old me all the time. But I guess nothing worthwhile comes easy. I’ll keep trying! And as usual, I thank you for another inspiring installment of Sunday Soul :)
beautiful lessons of the heart so eloquently expressed and so deeply felt. i feel you. so much gratitude for you dear sunshine. always loving (and missing!) you.