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I was trying to find a way to say deep space cowboy. It’s cool enough as it is, but I am a huge fan of FK and his amazing NYC monday night party Deep Space and really I may love deep things, live in space, and consider myself something of a cowboy, but there’s just no way I’d ever use my hero’s name in a title of my own. So I pondered and considered, and then I reached for my dictionary.
1. extending far down from the top or surface
a deep gorge
2. very intense or extreme. profound or penetrating in awareness or understanding.
this is all getting a little too deep for me.
3. low in pitch and full in tone
a deep, resonant voice
1. a continuous area or expanse that is free, available or unoccupied
she had a love of open space
2. the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move
a sense of a journey in space and time
1. (usu. be spaced out or spaced out) informal
to be distracted, euphoric, or disoriented
dude, I was totally spaced out
1. a man, typically one on horseback, who herds and tends cattle.
cowboys and indians
2. a person who is reckless or careless
maverick, original, nonconformist, unorthodox, rebel, rebellious.
I came up with Bohemian because while I do feel that I am reckless, and stubborn, and often find myself herding cattle metaphorically I am still not quite ready to break out in chaps. So I extrapolated and decided that the original renegades of our modern era were the bohemians. Educated, literate, and expatriated. The Bohemians chose to live abroad, and to write, think, and dream in a way that ultimately shaped the 20th century.
1. A Native of Bohemia
2. A person who has informal and unconventional social habits, esp. an artist or writer
The idea comes from the gypsies of France in the 19th century. These south eastern Europeans arrived in wagons with miracle elixirs, tonics, powders, drugs, and songs to captivate the wealthy and the poor alike. They held bonfires, and danced and fired the imaginations of westerners who were ready for the Victorian era to end. But the name was adopted by Americans who were, at the turn of the 20th century, unwilling to comply with the traditional values of family, wealth and work. They boarded boats and sailed away to write, to dream, to love whomever they loved, and see more of the world than the back half of an office or the dull brocades of a sitting room. And as the result the expression became synonymous with deadbeats and vagabonds. Any non-conformist was branded a Bohemian, very much like being called a Punk, or a Hippie today.
The bohemians gave us the concept of the modern literary novel, writing in the first person, blank verse, the open mic, the memoir, uncommissioned art, free love, polyamory, art for art’s sake, and more. Virtually every wistful virtue of anyone who ever stared out into the sky, or the sea or the endless horizon is sharing a moment with the bohemians of 1910.
And so I grabbed my records, a few CD’s and some digital files and brought an impromptu lullaby into being. I mixed the bourgeois with the antique and found middle ground in Kraftwerk and Carl Craig. I did not apologize for my slurring words, my silence, or my stumbling beats between Masters and Work and Nina Simone. I crossed breaks with techno, and then dove into deep house with all my heart, and then danced to disco with nothing on but sunglasses and a silver chain around my neck.
I can’t think of anything else I want to share with you now apart from my wide eyes, and bright heart for 2012. The year has danced into my life like no other I can remember. We are only here at the lips of February and yet I am happier than I have been in such a long time. I am more hopeful and inspired than I can ever remember being.
I want to dance with you. I want to share this love with you.
Here is the track listing for Sunday Soul – heartfelt bohemian expanse:
1. Sunday Soul – Program ID
2. Halving The Compass – Need a Name Tribute – Helios
* introduction
3. Night Falls – Larry Gold’s Night Falls Over Philly String Version – Booka Shade
4. Night Falls – Booka Shade
5. Footprints – Stratus
* a call to my bohemian brothers
6. Beatbox – PBR Streetgang Remix – Crazy P
7. Stay Up – Evil Nine
8. Going Back To My Roots (DJD remix) – ODYSSEY
* the boomerang of your contempt
9. Do Da Doo – Plastikman’s Acid House Remix – Robotman
* Belda, when you gonna tell your daddy the truth?
10. Mememem – Summer-Mother Version – Sunshine Jones
* mememem
11. Ninja Walk – DJ Food
12. Baby Baby Baby – Make The Girl Dance
13. Sea Of Nuhuhu – Tape Version – Legowelt
14. Dub Lion – DJ Food
15. See-Line Woman (Masters at Work Remix) – Nina Simone
16. The Nervous Track (Ballsy Mix) – Nu Yorican Soul
17. Black Paint – Larry Heards After Dark Mix – Moodyman
18. O DJ KO (Afrikans On Mars Meets Yam Who? club mix) – ODYSSEY
19. Skepta – Rolex Sweep (Vandalism Remix) – Skepta
20. Voodoo Stompin – Solitaire Gee
21. Beautiful Burnout – Underworld
22. U R the Best Thing – Sasha Dub – D-ream
23. Stars – LAZRtag Remix – The XX
24. Angel – Carl Craig
25. Love We Have – Alexkid
26. Glad to Know You – Todd Terje re-edit – Chaz Jankel
27. Warthog – Dana Bergquist & Peder G Remix – pothOles
28. Europe Endless – Kraftwerk
29. Snooze 4 Love – DOTS edit – Todd Terje
30. Inside Out – PBR Streetgang remix – ODYSSEY
31. Backwoods Fantasies – Legowelt
* heartfelt bohemian expanse
32. I Need Love – Double Hill & Jerome C.
33. She Took The Tortoise Home – The Tortoise
34. Turn Your Love Around – Shit Hot SoundSystem Re-rub – George Benson
35. When I Feel In Love – UBQ Project feat Kathy Summers
36. Fate – Todd Terje Edit – Chaka Khan
37. Just In Time And Space – Dub – Raw Silk
38. Love X Love – Koko Southport Edit – George Benson
39. Last Night – Genius Of Time Remix – The Tortoise
40. Inspector Norse – unreleased – Todd Terje
41. Until We Bleed – Kleerup
42. Falling Out – Tiger and Woods Remix – Body Language
43. Sark Island Acid – Legowelt
44. A Wonderful Life – Carl Craig
45. Night Flight – Lexx Edit – Quintus Project
46. Chin Up Bitch – Dub – Seiche
47. Lullaby Remix – The Cure
48. So Into You – Dead Rose Music Company
49. New Theory (RAC Mix) – Washed Out
50. To The End – Blur
51. Sunday Soul – Program ID
52. Smooth Talk – Evelyn Champagne King
53. Sunday Soul – Program ID
Total Running Time: 04 Hours 43 Minutes 31 Seconds
* Performed Live
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Thank you for listening. See you next month!