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Noted child psychologist – not to be confused with the World War I flying ace of the same name – Maurice Freehill once asked, “Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the (person) afraid of the light?” What I love about Maurice’s point of view is that in addition to his excellent point, he succeeds in poignantly turning the question of the concerned parent, hoping to toughen up their child so that they can get some sleep, back onto them. When we think about fears and doubts, they have a way of growing. When we think about loving, positive, and beautiful things, they have a way of opening us up – albeit sometimes this can produce great grief and sorrow, but following the emotionalism is a peace and relief. These loving visualizations grow as we face our self destructive natures and carry the positive, and the loving with us wherever we go.
Further on the same topic, Marianne Williamson wrote in her wonderful book ‘A Return To Love,’ “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” and I couldn’t agree more deeply and completely.
Think of how negative you are. It’s disgusting isn’t it? I pause to consider my initial response to so many things. I fail completely to look past my fears, and initial bias – regardless of the subject – and respond with an instantaneous impulse. It’s gotten a little easier over the years to quiet my mind and listen to my heart when it comes to leaping from 30 foot cliffs into the cool water of Agua Azul, or to show up for something unaccompanied, but for me I find it most challenging to pause and find compassion within me for things which are brutal, arrogant, and what I call “wrong” in this world, and in the hearts and behavior of society at large. This failure is an unacceptable form of division. I can’t do it alone. I have no wish to. I need your help. I need a lot of help. So without saying a word about your darkness, I undertook the almost impossible task of softly touching your sweet face and pointing it toward the radiant light, and inviting you to come out into the light of just how beautiful you truly are.
The show began without much notice – sorry, it was one of those hurry and pick a theme on Saturday show’s – and was initially rife with technical troubles. I thought I would transmit at 192kbps this week for a higher quality experience. I listened to last week’s archive and absolutely loved the contents, but the quality of the recording wasn’t what I’d like to be remembered for, so I thought that I’d improve things. Turns out the server I broadcast on refuses connections higher than 128kbps. So we were getting kicked off the server every few minutes. I’m competent enough to continue mixing while troubleshooting, but in order to fix it I had to stop broadcasting for a moment, and this interrupted the recording process. So I thought there might be no archive from this week. Well, I was wrong. Well, my transmitting software’s built in recording engine just started up a new archive as soon as I hit the broadcast button again. A little edit to take out the odd beat and hello we have an archive for you. Hurray!
In the end the turn out was lovely, and we talked and danced and celebrated the light together. This has been such a transformative week for me, I stand humbled and radiant and so deeply grateful for your love, support, and devotion. Thank you.
Here is the track listing for Sunday Soul – Flying Into The Light:
1. Sunday Soul – Program ID
2. Neon Lights – Kraftwerk
3. Free Flight – The Acos Coolkas Synth Touch Mix – Acos Coolkas
* introduction
4. Absynth – Marcus Worgull Remix – Projections, Woolfy
5. The Rose – The Laughing Light of Plenty
** the edit is in here somewhere **
6. As Above So Below – Sweetlight Remix – A1 People
7. Don’t Turn The Lights On – Christian Martin Dub Remix – Chromeo
* irresistible light
8. Same Sun – Prins Thomas Karaoke Version – Boozoo Bajou
9. Set It Off – Walter Gibbons Mix – Strafe
10. Bright Light, Dim Light – Bangkok Impact
11. Flight To Tokyo – John Tejada
12. When Daylight Fades – Random Factor
* flying into the light
13. Are We There Yet – Audiofly X
14. Secrets – Sunshine Jones
15. Earth Beats – Chateau Flight Remix – Kuniyuki Takahashi
16. Swoon – Lindstrom and Prins Thomas Remix – Chemical Brothers
17. Don’t Turn The Lights On – Aeroplane Remix – Chromeo
18. Forever More – Francois Kevorkian Vocal Mix – Moloko
19. Soñando Contigo – Sunshine Jones Extended Remix – Kiko Navarro
20. Heaven – Sunshine Jones’ Re-Edit – Rolling Stones-ish
21. Breeze… – Sunshine’s Soul Mix – Dubribe Sound System
22. Can You Find The Heart – Relight Mix – Ananda Project
23. We Are What We Are – Sunshine Jones *
24. 54B – Ray Mang Version – Mudd
* while we’re up here, let’s depressurize the cabin
25. Movement – Afefe Iku
* I can feel warm sun on my face
26. Keep The Lights On – Artwork reMix – Wave Machines
27. Flying Nightmare – Acos Coolkas Version – Space
28. Fingerpaint – Digital Witchcraft
* Precious and Rare
29. So This Is Goodbye – Junior Boys
30. Moment – Atjazz Instrumental Mix – Musaria feat. Saturna
* you are so beautiful
31. Night Flight – The Revenge
32. Goodnight Tonight – Re Edit – Wings
33. Let Love Fly – Ananda Project
34. Sunday Soul – Program ID
35. Feel AM – Lindstrom & Prins Thomas
36. Sunday Soul – Program ID
Total Running Time: 03 Hours 55 Minutes 57 Seconds
* Performed Live
Listen to the Archive:
The archive for this broadcast is posted now for your pleasure both in the bottom of the community page at — my little tiny record label — as well as in the footer of — the home page of this broadcast — There you can stream the transmission again, or download it for your iPod if you like. You can also click the download link on your iPhone or iPad and simply stream it and enjoy it in real time wherever you have a data connection.
This archive will remain posted for a week, or until a new program archive replaces it (whichever comes first.) If you want to listen to more archives, visit and click on the “selected archives” link for something like 500 hours of archival sunday soul broadcasting.
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I need you. If you listen to Sunday Soul, download the archives, or are in support of liberated internet digital transmissions, then you have a unique opportunity to put your money where your mouth is.
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Your support is wanted, needed, and welcome. Even the smallest of donations go a very long way. Thank you for supporting Sunday Soul.
Thank you for listening, see you next week.