insight and dance

You didn’t ask, but I’ll try to explain. I’m in the middle of writing something private — something which won’t be posted here — and it’s getting to me. First because it’s difficult to see, and then because it’s difficult to feel. I can’t believe that when I first put pen to paper I scratched my head and wondered if there was anything to write at all. And all that’s come up in between then and now… missing Silas, wishing it would rain, feeling raw and unlovable, watching all this love surround me like something I am immune to. I lean out, I lean in, I speak, I don’t speak. It makes no difference.

Yet this is work which must be done. I know nothing of where it will lead. And so in the mean time I lay these petals at your feet, and offer a song. I pray you feel the ache in the music, the joy, the laughter, the relief, and revel in the cool, crisp curves of the petals as you dance upon them….

Prem Joshua – Saffron Dreams


  1. christina:

    Dear friend,

    Funny thing is, you could not have picked a more appropriate
    song to go with your words.

    You have played this for us in Sunday Soul.

    I myself was in complete full blown tears the first, second and many other times that I heard it.

    Music really does speak all languages.

    Rest well.

  2. Elaine:

    So interesting, at first read I thought Christina said:

    “You have played this for us in Sunday School”

    And I thought, that’s so cool, she calls Sunday Soul “Sunday School” :)

    Lovely song.

  3. wemily:

    as i listen to this song again..

    i’m floating with the petals…
    ooh, one falls on my head…and another one falls into my hand… i cherish these petals and i collect all the stray petals and save them to put into my flower petal press..where the petals will live on…and the beauty of them will be forever…

    they are happy to be united..

  4. christina:

    Elaine, Wemily,

    You are both so cute.

  5. *allison:

    I so needed this just now. Thank you.