I can only seem to describe what’s happening inside of me right now in the most tedious poetry which I know that no sensible human being will ever read. Because I have no idea, because it is in process, because it is dancing all around me, light, wind, music, feelings, tears, laughter, and more… Because I am angry and serious. Because I am quiet inside and so still on the outside that for once in my life I am something approaching invisible. I hear you through the waves, I feel your hand in mine all the time. Because silence speaks loudest of all. Because I can’t stop listening to this wonderful song…
Free Flight – Acos Coolkas Fly!
One Comment
i think this is my favorite comment ever. just what i hope to do here. thank you.
you have said that sometimes you regret what you’ve written in my comments sections. i hope you don’t feel anything approaching regret for this perfect comment.