Are you anything like Sunshine?
This is a simple quiz which asks you some questions in order to determine your similarity to me. Please answer the questions honestly and based on
answers, not what you think the
answers will be.
normal food
kale and garlic
I weight 200 pounds, but no one ever sees me eating
I worry about what's for dinner at noon
something different every night
I weigh 105 pounds and all I talk about is food
shop locally for what we need, cook what we want, and eat together
eat out
dinner party
order a pizza
i love it when you cook for me
it's a dying fad
non-smokers are uptight and lame
not tobacco
smokers are idiots, I mean can't they see they're killing themselves?
I have a stale pack of cigarettes in my purse
about three a week
It's a wonderful thing, I wish it wasn't going to kill me
It sounds strange, but I loved the permissive, smoking world much better than the restrictive no no no world we live in nowadays
I hate the smell of cigarettes
I can quit any time I want
I worry about money all the time
Let's face it, a man with a lot of money is sexually attractive
I have a lot of money, but it's mine
I get off on budgets
I don't give a shit about money
Money is the root of all evil, but it buys freedom
It's a reality, and so I am focused on it
I'm in debt up to my ears
Money! Money! Money! Money! Money!
It's prudent to be throughful about the future, and consider my investment opportunities
I don't really care about money until it's all gone
I am generous and supportive to a fault
I think that a man should pay for everything. It's what a man is supposed to do
I don't see anything unromantic about going 'dutch'
It's probably a really good idea not to talk about money
When I win the lottery I am going to buy all my friends a car
People who talk about their feelings all the time are hippies and snowflakes
I try my best to not be a problem
I am medicated because I can not deal with my feelings
I am a fairly nice person, and I would never admit how I really feel
I say one thing and do another
What feelings?
I reach for things that open my heart wider
I feel like I am out of control when my feelings take over
I know how I feel, but nothing ever seems to change
My feelings change and unfold differently all the time
I am ashamed of how I really feel
It's al your fault, and I am not shy about letting you know
The world revolves around me and my feelings
I don't really care about music
I have some of my ex boyfriend's CD's, but I never listen to them
You just can't pry me off youtube
Whatever you like is fine
I like to click on spotify and let the good times roll
As deeply as I love music, most of the time I prefer quiet
Dance to Harvey, fuck to Milosh
Dance to Milosh, fuck to Harvey
I'll actually stop liking a band when other people start liking them
I love music that other people have never heard about
Whatever's on
Hip Hop
My musical taste hasn't changed much since I was a kid
Classic Rock
House Music
A car says a lot about a person's economic prospects
I don't want a car, but I have to have one for work
I prefer, whenever possible, to walk
I can't live without my car
I love in my car
I drive all my friends everywhere
I drive my friends everywhere but I secretly resent it
I've got a fast pass
I love those new Fiat 500's they are so cute
I want a car that's basic and doesn't stand out
I need a truck
Just take an Uber
The Future
I am already packing for a trip I'm taking a few months from now
I wake up early in the morning worried about what's going to happen
I wish I'd planned better for the future
In the future we will all drive flying cars, have personal robot assistants, and food will come out of replicators
I know I shouldn't live in fear, but I can't help it
I'm excited to see what happens next
I think that what we do now will determine what the future holds
When I grow up everything is going to be awesome!
I am so full of regret that I can barely stand to think about the future
I think you have to be realistic about it
I lose sleep at night thinking about what's going to happen
Honesty, for the first 2000 years of the human experience we were all dumb, sick, and poor. The last 200 have been such a dramatic improvement that I am actually quite hopeful about the future
The world is going to hell, and humanity won't be here much longer
Perfectionism is a state of fear
I just don't care
R U Kidding me?
My life is a non stop text message festival of schizophrenia
What up dog?
I've got a dirty mouth
I've got a little bit of a potty mouth
I prefer my typewriter
Whining baby-talk (yeah!)
I think how you speak says everything that anyone will ever need to know about who you are, what you think about yourself
Appropriate HR based, newspeak please
I think that how you speak is just fun, and it doesn't matter at all
I think people who use big words are dull and think they're so smart
Too much talking and not enough kissing
I don't trust people who talk too much
Put your money where your mouth is
I say um and like a lot (um, like a lot a lot)
I am very careful about how I speak, what I say, and when I say it
It's all about power and control
Sex is a beautiful form of communication and love
It's stress relief, nothing more
Shame on you, you dirty, dirty birdie
I've always known I was gay, but I continue to date the opposite sex hoping it will change
I like it if you like it
I like what I like
I internalize my sexual feelings and freak out in traffic instead
About once a month I'm like a cat in a car
A healthy sex life is like regular exercise, air, water and food
I am very curious
I have no idea
Everywhere, all the time, with everyone
Let's face it, I'm a size queen
I come from my heart, and move to the rhythm of your heartbeat
I like to try things I have heard about
This is a very personal and private subject and I'd rather not talk about it
I would rather do it than watch it or talk about it
A little you, a little me, a lot of us
It's not the boat, it's the motion of the ocean
Everything wrong with this world pretty much boils down to sex causes
I wish I'd waitied until I got married
I haven't had an orgasm in years
I don't vote
I am on various drugs prescribed by my doctor
I am currently inhibiting my monoamine oxidase
I drink a lot and party pretty hard
I have the occasional cocktail
I can never say no to blow
I've got the weed you need
I don't care what you do, I want you to be free. But I wish you felt the same way about me
Therapy is a good idea, everyone should have a good therapist they can talk to, but this nonsense of prescribing meds so that the insurance will cover the talking is criminal
I drink, but I don't take drugs
I don't drink, but I take drugs
I don't drink, or take drugs
I don't care what all you do provided you do it's 25 feet from the curb, or in the privacy of your own home (as long as there are no babies in there)
Fuck it
I look forward to my annual lsd cleanse
I can't see anything wrong with a little social heroin use
My bipolar is none of your business
I should be on various drugs prescribed by my doctor, but I haven't been to see her yet
The past is the past
We can learn a lot from the past
History is written by the dominant paradigm, it is one of the spoils of victory
I care a lot about the past and think about it all the time
If you talk for more than about 35 seconds I stop listening
I think you think too much
I can't remember what I did yesterday, let alone what happened 50 years ago
Who cares dude?
If you don't know your history you can not participate in your destiny
If you don't know your history you are doomed to repeat it
I am interested in the past, but I don't know anything about it
I like to get baked and watch the history chanel
I love hisotrical fiction
I am deeply interested in culture and values and social shifts over the course of time
I am a history buff
Good things happen when you do good things
Look at the world, it's chuck full of shit-heads who don't give a crap about you and me. They are being rewarded all the time for their selfish and shitty actions. What do I care about karma?
An eye for an eye
Karma is a form of punishment for the bad things you did in your previous life
Karma is a sexual position
My karma ran over my dogma
Karma is a way of looking at the world so that you can get what you want
Karma was one of the New Gods in Jack Kirby's legedary late 60's comic book
Karma is the opportunity to make a different decision now
Karma is what Earl was talking about in that TV show, right?
Karma was the subject of a conversation between Krishna and Arjun in the Gita
Karma is the opportunity to truly step onto your path and accept who and what you truly are
It's like the rules, or the gift right? So if you only say positive things then you'll get a promotion
Bad things happen when you do bad things
I think that when we even think about alternate forms of spirituality we make God cry